

Plank walk down and back

Xfit WOD;

Teams of 3

300 Push-ups
400 Ball Slams
500 Sit-ups
600 squats

Team of 4

400 Push-ups
550 Ball Slams
650 Sit-ups
800 squats

2 xfitter’s are always working – if one of the xfitter’s needs to stop, the xfitter who’s resting jumps in their place.
As for the team of 4, 3 xfitter’s are always working. If an xfitter is on a team of 3 each person will do 100 push-ups, 133 ball slams, 166 sit-ups and 200 squats. On a team of 4 each person will do 100 push-ups, 138 ball slams, 162 sit-ups and 200 squats.

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One Response to 06/10/2011