catch up…

haven’t posted anything in about 10 days however still cross fitting, skiing and bjjing. since the last post here’s a summary of what I’ve done.

a week ago friday the family went to breckenridge to ski for three days. both boys enjoyed skiing and continue to get really good. carson skied his first blue run (x2) and kelton skied several black mogul runs – the kid is really good! we returned on monday and started cross fit and bjj the following day.

tuesday was back to schedule – sonja joined me in the morning for a cross fit workout. the workout consisted of snatches (neil – 35lb db, sonja – 15lb db) 5 reps/arm, 10 push ups and 15 squats on the minute for 20 minutes. a very good, tough workout! around 14-15 rounds everything started to get hard to complete within the minute.

wednesday – mike and i completed 25 SDHP, 5 cleans, 20 SDHP, 10 cleans…etc until last set of 5 SDHP, 25 cleans (either decreasing or increasing reps by 5 each set). 8/per right and left arm get ups using a 15 lb body bar. finished with 25 push ups, 5 press pushes, 20 push ups, 10 press pushes…etc. until last set of 5 push ups, 25 press pushes. this took about 23-26 mins. for myself and mike. a tough workout, felt shoulders immediately after workout. sore for the next couple of days.

tuesday and thursday of this week at bjj we trained escaping the back once opponent has pulled arm out and going to choke or rear naked choke. when opponent pulls you to the wrong side (meaning if opponent pulls out their right arm and goes for the choke the person protecting their back needs to fall to their left side to try and escape). but if opponent pulls to the right side this is a bad position to be in. when this happens the escape is to fall with your opponent, bring left leg up to unhook opponent’s left leg and swing hips so your belly is facing the mat. it is very important to place forehead on mat once in the position so you can start rolling (into your opponent) and be on the other side to start the standard back escape (getting shoulders on mat and trying to take side control).

if opponent starts to get the naked choke (they fall to the side you need to escape) it is important to grab their left arm and trying to pull it over your head to release the choke. when fighting to remove their left arm look toward the arm they have under your chin (this helps release the choke) and once arm is over start taking side control.

last – was review of two rolls one can do when in turtle position – the granby roll and roll to guard. the granby roll is when you trap opponent’s arm (they have around your back) kick your leg closes to their leg and roll to the side you have their arm trapped. remember to trace left arm around their body to help position self to take side control. if opponent isn’t giving you their arm to trap roll opposite by kicking right leg out (assuming opponent is on left side) then send left arm through (remember to get nose close to opponent’s knee so not too much space is between you and opponent once roll is complete) and take guard.

we’ve been training from the keens with about 5-7 mins remaining in class. finally, yesterday I submitted my partner twice, once with arm lock the other arm bar. feeling like I wasn’t improving, over the past couple training sessions i’m encouraged by my success and look forward to getting my first strip as a blue belt. I want to train more.

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