
Warm up:

2 rounds;
30 Mountain Climbers (R, L = 1 rep) – outside of arm
30 Flutter Kicks (R, L, R, L = 1 rep)
1 suicide run

Xfit WOD:

For time
30x Burpees
30x Knees to bar
30x Sumo-deadlit high-pull (95#/65#)
Row 1600M
30x Sumo-deadlit high-pull
30x Knees to bar
30x Burpees

For those that are participating in the Challenge on Saturday feel free to do the WOD Rx’d, otherwise scale it. Besides the SDHP weight the other exercises shouldn’t limit your performance on Saturday (well, maybe Brent with burpees). Good Luck to everyone who registered, the field looks strong. Y xfitter’s represent!!!

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5 Responses to 12/30/2011