Warm Up:
2 rounds of;
50 jumping jacks
15 hollow rocks
15 candle stick rolls
Xfit WOD:
“Friday the 300th, or 13th”
100 burpees
100 DU’s
100 push presses (65#/45#)
There’s a 20 minute cut off time. If you don’t finish the WOD in 20 minutes, one mountain climber (R, L leg = 1 rep) for every 5 seconds past 20 minutes. You don’t need to complete burpees to move to DU’s or DU’s to push presses…feel free to break up the exercises and reps but do it so you can bet the cut off time.
For those that are banged up (Scott and Annie) attempt 300 push presses at the weight Rx’d or substitute an exercise(s). Don’t worry about the time limit.
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5 Responses to 1/13/12