
Complete 3 rounds:

Max Rep Sit Up Med Ball Throws w/ 20 lbs: 60 seconds
Max Rep Push Ups: 60 seconds
Max Rep Supine Ring Rows: 60 seconds
20 Quick Feet & Sprint 10 yards out & back: 15 sec to complete
20 Quick Feet & Sprint 10 yards out & back: 15 sec to complete
20 Quick Feet & Sprint 10 yards out & back: 15 sec to complete
20 Quick Feet & Sprint 10 yards out & back: 15 sec to complete

*rest 60 seconds between rounds

*med ball throws are completed by starting in a sit up position 6 feet from the wall with the ball extended overhead. Sit up violently throwing the ball against the wall and repeat.

*You have 15 seconds to complete 20 quick feet and a 20 yard shuttle run. You must complete 4 reps during 60 seconds.

Post total reps on med ball throws, push ups and supine ring rows to comments.

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