Warm Up:
1 minute plank hold, 1 minute hollow hold and 1 minute wall sit x2, no rest in between.
Xfit WOD:
10 rounds for time of;
10 deadlifts (165#/115#), plates needed 45’s, 35’s, 15’s and 10’s
10 push ups
handstand holds
Teams of three – athlete A starts at deadlift, athlete B push ups and athlete C holds a handstand as long as it takes athlete A to complete the deads. Once the team finishes all 10 rounds, to stop the clock the team must run (down and back, baseline to baseline) 10 times and can only go as fast as the slowest runner.
To count the handstand hold, the athlete must be inverted before the first dead is finished.
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One Response to 4/3/2013