Warm Up:
2 rounds of;
1 minute hollow hold
:15 rest
:30 handstand hold
:15 rest
Xfit WOD:
3 Rounds for max reps:
1 minute of wall ball (20#/14#)
1 minute of jump of box (20″/16″)
1 minute of push press (95#/65#)
1 minute of DU’s (for those who can’t string together 10 DU’s, sprint down and back for 1 minute)
1 minute switch over (so actually 5 minutes rest)
Work with a partner, where one partner will go through the entire round, then you will switch during the 60 seconds. You will work for 4 minutes, then get a 5 minute rest…easy, right? Don’t hold back on any round – the rest is there for a reason. Go balls out each minute!
Post total reps together for a final score to comments.
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