May’s challenge is training for the famous CF WOD, Murph Over the next 3 weeks or so programming will support for a fast time. To give you an idea, Crossfit Elite athlete’s complete Murph just under 30 minutes, standard times range from 45 minutes to 1 hour+. Break up Murph however you see fit, just make sure to run 1 mile in the beginning and 1 mile at the end. Good Luck!
Warm up:
- Pull-ups: 2 x (3-3-3-3)
- Push-ups: 2 x (6-6-6-6)
- Squats: 2 x (8-8-8-8)
Partner 1 completes (within :90 seconds) then P2 completes the Rx’d set. 2 rounds.
Xfit WOD:
For time:
150 Wall balls
150 sit up’s
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