Warm Up:
Down and back run (on field) Once you’ve completed the run, hold plank for 1 minute then hollow hold for another minute. Finish with 100 jumping jacks.
Xfit WOD:
AMRAP, 30 minutes of;
10 Frog leap burpees (each partner) When you and your partner finish the last burpee on the field, run to the North baseline and back to the South baseline.
50 KB squats (each partner) P1 works while P2 holds plank. If/when plank is broken before partner completes Rx’d rep count, partner wheel barrel to the count of 10 hand raises then switch.
30 (Total) lunges. While P1 works, P2 broad jumps once P1 completes 5 lunges
Cash out – 800M run with partner
Pull up work:
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