Happy July!
Warm Up:
4×4 Push Press + 25 jumping jacks
Xfit WOD:
Station 1, 10 minute running clock of;
10 Front Squats (115/75)
10 Push Ups
P1 goes, completes 10 squats then 10 push ups. P1 calls out 7 push ups to go and P2 starts their squats…continue until time expires.
1 minute rest
Station 2, 10 minute running clock
P1 goes, completes 5 thrusters (95/65) then 7 burpee over bar while P2 hangs from bar.
1 minute rest
Station 3, 10 minute running clock
P1, E:30 O:30 12 KB Swings (53/35)
Pull up work;
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