Warm up:
Tabata, 3 rds of;
Flutter kicks
Plank hold
Split squats
Xfit WOD:
Out on the field – For time;
P1 at one end of field, P2 the other –
Rep count will be 50,40,30,20,10 of;
KB Swings (53/35)
KB squats (53/35)
**while P1 starts with swings, P2 does 10 burpees then waits to receive KB from P1 who farmer carries it down the length of the field after completing the Rx’d rep count. P1 then runs back to their original start position and does 10 burpees and waits for the KB from P2. P2 drops it off and runs back to their original start position. Repeat this sequence until KB swings and squats are finished. Each partner will do 100 burpees during the WOD.
Pull up work;
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