
Here’s to wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Some highlights from the 2024 Xfit WOD group –

Jason called out Simeon’s burpees and provided a video showing where the lack of full range occured. Simeon took 3 weeks off once video circulated, flew to Michigan to improve his range and was welcomed back into the group once he demonstrated correct burpee form.

Kevin trained for a marathon only to get “cramps” about 5 miles before the finish. Did he finish the race, yes, but his time showed a “give up attitude”. Next year, Kev!

Chris, well…he suffered a sprain wrist. Kept him away from the group for several months. He eventually returned, but still only makes 1 maybe 2 days a month.

Peter became a doctor and wrote himself a note stating “patient needs rest, take every weekend off as well as Mondays. Also, when showing up for Wednesday and Friday WOD’s, during warm-up talk about how great fishing is and why everyone needs to go to the Dream Sicle Stream.”

Jay, the newbie, was called out early for terrible push-ups and I mean bad push-ups (boarding on Chuck-ups). He made it a point to learn the right technique by watching countless Youtube videos and came back a better person as well as an improved push-uper. Way to go Jay!

As for Greg…those who were at Stephanie and Jason’s party found out more about Greg than any of us ever wanted to know that night. Greg, somethings should be kept behind closed doors.

Nic, welcome back. If you decide to go to Vegas, make sure to take a week off before coming back to the class…you won’t feel like puking during and after the WOD.

Mike, Darren and Mo – very little commitment. It is always nice to see you guys but the effort is, well, not there. But now that I think about it, commitment from others (see above) is lacking. Make 2025 your comeback year!

Chad, again, a one and done type participant but tries to make it. Offers to buy coffee for the group but gets to the place well before anyone else and just buys for himself and makes up a story that other people were waiting to buy coffee and he was holding up the line, blah blah blah…

JT for someone who gets uncomfortable when others are making an ass out of themselves, it looked like he seemed to enjoy the Greg and Rachel skit at the Smith’s party. Just saying.

Then the girls, yeah you Lisa, Ginger and Steph…besides never using the Rx’d weights, starting before I say go and adding additional set and/or reps when you finish several minutes before anyone else, I think I speak for the group, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

Let’s continue in the new year to provide an environment where honest feedback is welcomed. For example, when Steph “critiqued” Chris’ jumping jacks…some saw it as her making fun of him, but due to the awesomeness of the group, Chris knew his jumping jacks sucked and just needed constructive criticism (thanks Steph) and look at him now. The next time you see Chris tell him way to go!

As for Michael, Shane and Aaron – you’ll be mentioned next year as I gather more stories from each of you.

“12 Days of Christmas”

1 **Rogue Burpee

2 Thrusters (95/65)

3 Push Press (95/65)

4 Deadlift (135/95)

5 T2B (can sub K2E or K2chest)

6 KB Swings (53/35)

7 Box Jumps (24/20″) (step up to sub)

8 Wall Balls (20/14)

9 Devils Press (dumbbell 25/15)

10 Push Ups

11 Front Squats (115/75)

12 Burpee to Pull Up (or burpee to touch 6″ above your reach)

**Rogue Burpee – pushup to mountain climber (right knee to right elbow) to pushup to mountain climber (left knee to left elbow) to pushup

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