rest – cont. half guard sweep no gi

rest on cf today – continued working half guard sweep no gi. similar to gi half guard sweep, hold opponents hand to chest other hand on their hip – trick is to make your opponent lean into you from a bridge then sweep going opposite direction. if opponent places hand on mat to stop the […]

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annie on roids

annie on roids

50-40-30-20-10 rounds burpees, situps warm-up with suicides times 3.  freakin great workout – legs were jelly after 3rd set.  my time was 21:09, marty’s 23:30, mike’s 25 and scott’s 34:30.

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time trial / bjj – advance half guard sweep

time trial / bjj – advance half guard sweep

run as fast as you can 5K – time was 20:30 – felt ok, first mile was the hardest. in bjj focused on half guard sweep.  as you’re in half guard and lying on right side you grab your opponents right hand to stop any under hooks.  next you’ll place your right hand on opponents […]

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running clock

running clock

with a running clock do as many squats within 60 secs take that number away from 60 and then do that many pull ups.  go back to squats for 60 secs take away and then do that many reps as push ups.   repeat for at least 12 mins.  awesome workout!  legs were on fire […]

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back at it

back at it

continued to work at bjj passing half guard.  weights on friday focused on deadlift and pull ups.  deadlift 10 to 1 using 135 lbs and 1 to 10 bw pull ups.  sore the next couple of days but great work out.  good weekend ready for the week – the blitz starts.

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