rolling 20 min clock swings and push ups

20 swings, 1 push ups, 19 swings, 2 push ups…etc until you finish with 20 push ups, 1 swings

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intervals by time / bjj – passing open guard

intervals by time / bjj – passing open guard

3x1min rest for 30 secs, 2x2mins rest for 45 secs, 1x3mins rest for 2 mins – complete 2 rounds at max effort.  was able to complete 5.3 miles – stayed at 11 until last 1x3min set.  good workout! when standing in wrestler stance and opponent in on ground using legs to go for a sweep, […]

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catch up…

haven’t posted anything in about 10 days however still cross fitting, skiing and bjjing. since the last post here’s a summary of what I’ve done. a week ago friday the family went to breckenridge to ski for three days. both boys enjoyed skiing and continue to get really good. carson skied his first blue run […]

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running clock adv.

running clock adv.

20 min running clock start with goblin squats using 25 lbs db’s – do what you can then subtract the rep count from 60 do burpee to box jump 8 high a side.  tabata kte.  first set 44 squats and 16 burpees to box jumps – decided to try and squat 60 times each round […]

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tosh and bjj – clock and crucifix choke

tosh and bjj – clock and crucifix choke

tosh – c2 3x(250m, 550m, 750m) max effort.  go as hard as possible and what ever that time is rest that same amount repeat 2 more times.  great cardio harder than i thought. clock choke – when opponent is in turtle position place stomach and chest on opponents back with hips close to opponents shoulders.  […]

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